Paulownia Tomentosa Saksısı

Paulownia Tomentosa Saksısı  Hızla büyümeye hazır olan 9x9x10cm saksılarda, toplam yüksekliği yaklaşık 25-40 cm, kök hacmi ise 600ml olan fidelerdir. 12 adetlik kutularda yer alırlar.

• Dikim sezonu: ilkbahar – yaz.

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Who Are We?

Treeman is the company that concentrates on Paulownia, one of the most interesting tree in the world. We aim to help landowners cultivate Paulownia and get good profit from their land. Paulownia business is a lossless production, every part of it is useful and has a great range of use.Our hard working team wants to built a strong, trustful and friendly connections with clients, by providing them with the high quality Paulownia seedlings, sharing experience and knowledge.

Paulownia tree business will bring you good profit and will be beneficial for environment as well.Our company is more than happy to help you and guide in the world of Paulownia “The Tree Of The Future”.

Why To Work With Us

Competitive Pricing

We organized our operations in a way that allow us to provide competitive prices for a quality product.